Monday, June 22, 2009

Orphan Boy

Doesn't this child look like he needs a home? A mommy to love and bathe him? I thought so too- then I realised he's already mine.


Christine said...

So cute!!! :)

Christine said...

Hi Kathi. Thanks for your comment too. I couldn't handle not having central air. :P We've lived in the Portland area since last October. We really love everything there is to do here and LOVE the weather. It was nice going to the park today. I wouldn't be outside if I were still in Oklahoma. LOL.

Hanley Family said...

What a cutie!

Melissa Stover said...

oh girl, you can read my mind! that's exactly what i said to my sister, "Why couldn't it have been Molly instead???"

and why do you so seldom post?
and why is your email not attached to your blogger profile so i can email you after you comment?