Monday, November 2, 2009

We're Geeks Like That....

Now that everyone around these parts is coming down from their costume-creating-sugar-induced-high, I feel relatively safe in assuming that the current silence isn't due to the fact that the three year-old and the two year-old have joined forces out of sight to involve themselves in some sort of no-good (most likely involving scissors). I can finally put down both my guard and my heiny long enough to share what we have been up to.


What? Just like you?

In keeping with the theme of all things unemployed, we set out to be very frugal for our costumes this year. We are pretty nerdy around here and so strange movie figures and video game personas are frequent guests in our household (My nine-year-old daughter acting out an Indiana Jones scene as I type). This largely comes from my husband's side of the gene pool, but since I am his girl and all, I usually decide to just roll with all the silliness.

This year's nod to geek-media culture first came about when my oldest informed me that she wished to be Coraline. Despit the fact that she did not own the signature yellow rainboots or coat, it seemed simply enough. She was in need of a haircut anyway, so we figured that a little snip, a can of blue hairspray, and some Raincoat-Yellow Duct Tape would be about all we would need.


It was the nine year-old's little sister that threw the wrench into my fuss-free groove. Not long after I asked her what she wanted to be, I began to wish I had'nt. While, giving her props for her ability to think outside the box, designing her dream costume was a bit of a stretch for my own imagination.

It was so bad that I struggle with how to even describe for you what she wanted to be, which means I'm left with no other choice. I will have to show you.
Exhibit A

Moms, can you see my dilema here? How does one go about creating a Sackperson and have it actually resemble a Sackperson?

I had visions of my daughter going crazy over the comments she would recieve about her 'scarecrow' costume with each door she knocked on, but I had to at least try.

Bit by bit ideas would come to me for both the girls (can I mention here how thankful I am that my three youngest had no opinion about costumes and such?) and with some duct tape, a $2.00 emergency parka (that we fashioned into a raincoat), a little burlap, and a helmet that the two-year old suddenly "couln't find", we actually did it.  And it was fun. And I was so proud...



Isn't being a parent at times like this such a blast?


Christine said...

Ok. A little late commenting. LOL. You did an EXCELLENT job on those costumes. WOW! You did much better than I would have. I'm hoping my kids will be a little more creative next year and let me make them something. The money the stores want for costumes is absolutely ridiculous! Great job duct tape lady. :)

Kimberly @ RaisingOlives said...

Those are terrific. I absolutely love the sack girl. Yes, being a parent is fun.