Wednesday, September 2, 2009

At Least She's Not Twelve

Sarah over at Small World had a beautiful post about the significance of her daughter turning twelve this past week. Since my own daughter had a birthday on the 30th I have been thinking about her words a lot. I have wondered how on earth I could possibly have a nine-year-old already, and I have consoled myself repeatedly with this thought: 'at least it is not twelve..."

I'm not ready for twelve.

I keep asking her to stay eight a little longer. She just gives me a half smile and shakes her head from side to side, happy, I think, knowing that I can't keep her from moving forward.


I don't really want to stop her from moving on either; I like who she is becoming too much. I love the sophistication of her humor; her desire to learn. I enjoy seeing her budding interests and wondering how God will use her many talents. I love that some of my favorite things in life have become hers, even if it means that I have to be quicker-than-quick if I actually want to eat some of the glazed pecans that I bought 'especially for us' before they become 'especially for her'.


Happy Birthday sweet Asher! I love the young lady you are becoming, but please, promise me you won't be twelve anytime soon.


MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

Awww... very sweet post. Happy Birthday!!!

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

Just think, you have THREE WHOLE YEARS until 12. And when you are doing your 12 post, I'll be doing my 15 post! And, and, and, my oldest will be 19! Now THAT'S old!

Christine said...

This was a very sweet post. I want to wish a belated Happy Birthday to your, not 12 yet, girl. :)