Thursday, August 27, 2009

...Oh Yes, I Did

Remember that haircut I described in my last post? How bad it was? Well, now I have proof.

I can't look at it without both laughing and cringing in intervals. I Think of it a little like the cliched 'baby's first haircut', but with a very unfortunate twist. Instead, it is 'mommy's first haircut', and in lieu of a swatch of hair and a cute little frame to commemorate, I get this.

The funny thing is that as bad as it was, I have not dared try again. How can you argue with a three year-old who, when you mention fixing his hair begs,"Please Mommy, not a haircut."

Look, even his little sister is cautious.

"Are you kidding? I saw what you did to this other guy!"


Christine said...

Thanks for sharing. I know it was difficult. Let me just say, your kids are ADORABLE. Bad haircut or not. I got a good snicker. The last couple of pictures didn't look so bad. :) Who really does a perfect job with anything the first time around?

Melissa Stover said...

hahahaha. i did that to my baby once when i trimmed her bangs. i was like you felt like crying and laughing every time i looked at her.

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

Awwww! I just don't think it matters! Your kids are simply delectable!

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

lol! I don't think it's that bad. Just look at it like "just woke up" hair.

Joy for the Seasons said...

I followed you over here from your link at Homeschool Blogger. It has been well over a year since I moved my blog over to Blogspot, and after several months of "life" happening and starting a new blog that just tends to my heart, I remembered the "old" encouraging gals I used to read about from time to time. I laughed as I realized the last time I read your blog, your vacuum had died. And now here you have another little one! Enjoy!